If you've read any of my previous posts you know my disdain for CB Justin Tryon. Tuesday's Washington Post had an interesting article on Justin training with Hall of Fame CB Darrell Green for 6 weeks this offseason. Apparently Justin's Mommy emailed Darrell after last years HOF game asking him to mentor her son. Even she realized he was garbage back then and she was hoping that arguably the best Cornerback in NFL history could help Justin get better. The boy hadn't even been in the league for a full week before his own mother decided to contact the Make-A-Wish foundation to save her son's NFL career. After 8 months of the email sitting in his inbox, Darrell finally responded to Mommy Tryon and train her baby boy Justin. If Darrell Green can't turn the former Arizona State track star into a NFL CB then no one can.

While Justin was being Darrell's shadow the Redskins decided to waste another draft pick on a CB for the 2nd year in a row. Vinny "Yes Man" Cerrato decided to draft UMD CB Kevin Barnes instead of a much needed offensive lineman. Now we have 1 red shirt rookie and 1 true rookie fighting for the same roster spot. I'm just wondering how long it will take Mommy Barnes to email Darrell Green and mentor her son.
The first preseason game is finally upon us and everyone is looking forward to seeing Colt Brennan vs Chase Daniels and Todd Collins. Are Devin and Malcolm actually going to step on the field? Will Fred Davis be awake in time to catch the bus to Baltimore? I'm personally looking forward to see if Darrell Green wasted 6 weeks of his life training 5'9 Justin Tryon to be an actual NFL cornerback. The day Justin was drafted he said he was going to unseat Carlos Rogers or Shawn Springs as a starter. Darrell apparently now agrees with Justin and thinks he is, "qualified to be a starter in the National Football League start in this league." If anyone actually believes that Tryon is better then Carlos Rogers or DeAngelo Hall they better hurry up and get to Best Buy to pick up their $9.99 52-inch Samsung TV.
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