"Directing fans who wish to tailgate in more than one space to the back of lots...Fans who wish to only park, or tailgate within their single parking spot, will be directed to the front of lots, filling the lot from front to back."After reading the poorly written statement fans immediately had more question and concerns.
- Am I going to be directed to a general are where I can park next to my friends or will the guy with the Orange flag make me park in a particular spot?
- I've parked in the same spot since the stadium opened and I tailgate on a grass island. Do I still have to go to the back of the lot with the other tailgaters?
- What if my wife gets stuck in traffic? Does that mean she can't park beside me when she gets there?
- Why don't they just enforce the old policy of one vehicle one spot? Why come up with a new one 10 years later?
Some fans even started an online petition to try and "Save Tailgating". The petition had a simple and straight to the point request.
"Individuals should be allowed to park anywhere in the lot they desire as long as they have the appropriate Parking Pass. Individuals that are occupying more than one space will be asked to move. If they do not comply they risk losing their Parking Pass for the Season."
"not tear apart my Redskins family that I cried with in 2007 during the Buffalo Bills tailgate, after Sean Taylor passed away. Let us park next to our friends and family as long as we all have the appropriate color parking passes and are not taking up more than one space..."
FdaCowboys was able to contact some Redskin officials and clear up the parking/tailgating rules for the upcoming 2009 season.
The Redskins Parking Staff define "Tailgating" as taking up more then one space or driving area with a grill or a canopy. If you are impeding people from parking or passing through you are "Tailgating." If you have a small little hibachi grill behind your car or are eating a bucket of chicken out of the trunk then you are "Not Tailgating"
Fedex field will have signs once you enter the lots that direct Non-Tailgaters to the front of the lot where parking attendants will direct you into individual spots that you MUST park in. If you are in a row of cars and you are car 5 in line and your buddy is car 25 in line then he will be directed to a spot that is 25 spaces away from you. You CANNOT save spaces for friends and family in the front of the lot. The lots will be filled from the front to the back.
The good news is that the Redskins are not directing everyone where to go. If you are part of a large tailgate you can still park together in the back of the lots. If you don't tailgate and just head straight into the stadium then you should be able to find a parking spot easier towards the front of the lot. The first couple of games are going to be a mess. I advise everyone to get there early so they don't miss kickoff or any valuable tailgating time while the staff irons out the kinks. If anyone still has any questions or concerns about the new policy feel free to email us at fdacowboys@gmail.com and we will do our best to get your questions answered.